an attempt to provide Welfare without the negative side-effects (more)

Sean Monahan (8ball) on Live Players. The generation of new tactics, strategies, coordination mechanisms, and so on entails the production of new, useful knowledge. Thus, a live player must have a living tradition of knowledge. For the tradition of knowledge to be living, it must have at least one theorist, among other things. An individual live player may fulfill multiple roles in themselves, including being one’s own theorist. (more)

The Lindy effect (also known as Lindy's law[1]) is a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age. Thus, the Lindy effect proposes the longer a period something has survived to exist or be used in the present, the longer its remaining life expectancy. Longevity implies a resistance to change, obsolescence, or competition, and greater odds of continued existence into the future.[2] Where the Lindy effect applies, mortality rate decreases with time. Mathematically, the Lindy effect corresponds to lifetimes following a Pareto probability distribution. The concept is named after Lindy's delicatessen in New York City, where the concept was informally theorized by comedians.[3][4] The Lindy effect has subsequently been theorized by mathematicians and statisticians.[5][6][1] Nassim Taleb has expressed the Lindy effect in terms of "distance from an absorbing barrier".

Malcolm Gladwell on Rick Warren's Mega Church-through-TeamWork model. Robert Putnam says "There were these eight people and they were all mountain bikers-mountain bikers for God. They go biking together, and they are one another's best friends. If one person's wife gets breast cancer, he can go to the others for support. If someone loses a job, the others are there for him. They are deeply best friends, in a larger social context where it is hard to find a best friend.".. Putnam goes on, "Warren didn't invent the cellular church. But he's brought it to an amazing level of effectiveness. The real job of running Saddleback is the recruitment and training and retention of the thousands of volunteer leaders for all the small groups it has. That's the surprising thing to me--that they are able to manage that. Those small groups are incredibly vulnerable, and complicated to manage. How to keep all those little dinghies moving in the same direction is, organizationally, a major accomplishment."

Chikai Ohazama: The future of news is conversation in small groups with trusted voices. I feel like my news consumption these days is like those sushi boats. I sit down and the news just streams by and I pick out the articles I like and read them. Very efficient and also a little bit of fun. But I’ve been stuck at the sushi boat bar of news for far too long, watching the same imitation crab rolls go by. I need a better way to consume better information. (more)

On West Wing recently the prez said roughly Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. I just found out's that's a quote from Margaret Mead.

Candidate for the 2004 Presidential Election Democratic Party primaries (more)

Zephyr Rain Teachout (/ˈtiːtʃaʊt/, born October 24, 1971)[1] is an American attorney, author, political candidate, and professor of law specializing in democracy and antitrust at Fordham University.[2] In 2014, Teachout ran for the Democratic Party nomination for governor of New York and lost to incumbent governor Andrew Cuomo, receiving 34% of the primary vote.[3] In 2016, Teachout was a candidate for the United States House of Representatives in New York's 19th congressional district.[4] Teachout won the Democratic primary before losing to Republican John Faso...She served as the director of Internet organizing for the 2004 Howard Dean presidential campaign. In 2009 she helped found the Antitrust League.[13] She was the first national director of the Sunlight Foundation, which promotes transparency and accountability in government.

Blue State Digital is an adtech[1][2][3] that specializes in online fundraising, and campaign consultancy.[4] The company was founded by 4 former staffers of the Howard Dean 2004 presidential campaign.[5][6] The company became notable after providing digital strategy and technology services for the 2008 and 2012 Barack Obama presidential campaigns... Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign pioneered new applications of new media to engage voters and raise campaign funds.[citation needed] In 2004, four former Dean staffers—Jascha Franklin-Hodge (CIO), Clay Johnson, Joe Rospars (CEO), and Ben Self—founded Blue State Digital[8] to provide campaign technology (voter database, fundraising technology, and campaign recruitment)[9] and strategic services... In 2007, the company was recruited in the early phases of the Barack Obama'2008 US Presidential campaign[15][7] to provide technology services, and for Rospar to create and lead the internal new media strategy team. These technology services included web hosting, an online fundraising product called BSD tools,[16] and a custom social networking platform ( Over the course of the campaign, more than $500 million was raised, millions of volunteers were mobilised, and an online database of 13 million supporters was created,[17] This was reported in the media as being, in large part, due to their platform, and services. (more)

non-profit who spends most of their money on fund-raising, and paying their CEO $750k/yr.

Democracy for America (DFA) was a progressive political action committee headquartered in Burlington, Vermont. Founded by former Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean in 2004, DFA led public awareness campaigns on a variety of public policy issues, trains activists, and provided funding directly to candidates for office, until it ended operations in 2022.[1][2] At its peak, the organization had dozens of local chapters and more than a million members in the United States and internationally. (more)

co-founder, K-HOLE; now writing the 8ball newsletter

Opinion | The Missing Obama Millions. Much of the political commentary since the presidential election has focused on two groups of party switchers: those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and Donald Trump in 2016 (Trump Voter) and those who voted for Mitt Romney in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in 2016. (more)


No We Can't. As the polls were closing in Massachusetts on the evening of January 19th, turning Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat over to the Republicans for the first time in half a century, David Plouffe was busy reminiscing about the glory days. The president’s former campaign manager was nowhere to be found at the sprawling war room of Organizing for America, the formidable grass-roots army he had forged during the 2008 campaign (more)

aka OFA, the site that ate by giving control of it to the DNC

On his main website, barackobama.comOffsite Link on February 11, 2007 Presidential candidate Barack Obama launched my.barackobama.comOffsite Link. This social networking site built an online community of over a million members before the presidential election. (more)

Micah Sifry: Inside the Fall of Obama’s Grassroots Army. On July 20, 2008... Christopher Edley had invited them to join a “Movement 2.0 Brainstorming Group.” Together, they would ponder a crucial question: how to “sustain the movement” should Barack Obama, who was still a month away from accepting the Democratic nomination, go on to win the White House. (more)


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